Christoph Breitfuß and Christoph Klein from Virtual Vehicle Safety Department joined the CAE Grand Challenge in Hanau/Germany, to present project results of the Horizon 2020 Project Liberty and to moderate the occupant safety session. It was a great event with...
Yolanda Bravo Rodríguez, Leader of Battery System Hardware Component Development at Valeo, presented LIBERTY Project and the innovations from Valeo at the eMobility Expo World Congress taking place from 21-23 of March in Valencia, Spain. During her...
LIBERTY coordinator Eduardo Miguel presented LIBERTY project at the European Conference on Results from Road Transport Research (RTR conference), taking pace from February 14-16 in Brussels, Belgium. LIBERTY focusses on the areas of lifetime, increased range, battery...
This newsletter briefly presents the state of many of the innovations currently being addressed by the LIBERTY project, news about the COLLABAT cluster, as well as some retrospect highlights. Enjoy...
Representatives from LIBERTY Project met from 29-30 November 2022 in Toulouse, France. It was hosted by our project partner NXP France. All core partners took advantage of this fruitful live meeting by clarifying as many topics as possible. After two years of highly...
Namely 2 times: in the Poster area and in the Super-Cluster event! The project coordinator Egoitz Martinze-Laserna and Eduardo Miguel will inform you about LIBERTY project’s innovations on ➡ Tuesday 15 November 2022, 12.00-19.00 | Poster area The three clusters...